Monday, October 20, 2008


Its getting cold in NYC. I knew it would happen eventually... I mean, it IS supposed to happen once a year, but I thought in exchange for us unappreciative inhabitants of the earth pointing a bazooka and blowing a gigantic hole through the ozone layer, Mother Nature would be disorientated with her weather schedule and keep the warmth for just a while longer... at least till January :-)

I joke.. I Joke... I kid.. I kid.. and DO understand the importance of the season (huh?)... you just can't force me to like it :-(

Coupled with my disdain for the weather change, I am SWAMPED with work and need some cheer, smiles and sunshine. Since I can't get the last from the universe (this is the last time I b*tch about the weather.. I PROMISE), I decided to turn to music to open up the sunny flood gates.

What to play... What to play... Ahhhhhh... Heeeeerrrrr.... *Kemi clicks play*

I LOVE Lily Allen for three main reasons; She is funny, she is rude (and unapologetically so), and she remains cute doing it.
Through her myriad of troubles, stemming mostly from alcohol abuse, Lily has always told it as it is and never sugar coated her addiction. She's quoted in 'Time Out new York", as saying, “When you walk into your dressing room every night and there are 40 beers, it's difficult not to drink them all, you know?”  
I can TOTALLY relate Lily... Its not as if they're gonna drink themselves?!! Drink the liquid content and help speed up the recycle process... you know... i can dig it (straight face)?!! 

What I also dig about Lily is the fact that her East London accent remains even when she's singing. Most times artistes even with the thickest foreign accents lose them when singing and suddenly just sound AMERICAN...but Lily's 'cockney' remains as potent as ever.

For your merriment today Im gonna put up two of my favorite songs which happen to be her two best breakout singles as well.
The first is my favorite, the calypso influenced 'LDN' which is her second single off her platinum album, "Alright, Still...". Not only do i love the song, I love the concept of the video. Basically we have Ms. Allen dressed in an elaborate ball gown, strangely accessorized with sneakers for footwear and happily skipping through the streets of London (LDN) on her way to meet up with her boyfriend. She's so happy and blinded by love that she sees only good and is totally oblivious to all the bad happening around her.

                      "When you look with your eyes /Everything seems nice 
                        But if you look twice /you can see it's all lies..."

Walking down the street she sees an old woman struggling with shopping bags and a young boy kindly comes over to help her... what's really happening is the boy is mugging the old lady. Along the way, she also spots,

                        "...A fella looking dapper, and he's sittin with a slapper 
                        Then I see it's a pimp and his crack whore..."

I couldnt have written that piece more eloquently myself :-/   Incase I didn't mention, Ms. Allen swears more that a ship full of sailors forced into confessional.... But i LUURRRVVVEEE IT and she's unrepentative as well; "the truth is I don't want to be in their f*cking stupid magazines and daily f*ck rags . Infact I hate it , i dont want to be a celebrity, I am a singer, I write songs, thats it .”
Tell'em gurrrlll... who says because you sell 2million CDs, you automatically become a role model (straight face again). You should be allowed to drink copious amounts of alcohol before a show, show up three hours late, stumble over your dress and forget the lyrics during your performance... Its YOUR RIGHT, DAMMIT!!! 

Anyway, ENJOY the videos to 'LND' and 'SMILE' (another hilarious video where she makes an Ex's (a DJ) life a living hell. He comes to her for comfort while unbeknownst to him, she doses him with laxatives, gets thugs to beat him up, and scratches his entire vinyl collection just before a gig... THIS WOMAN IS MY IDOL!! :-)

Lily Allen - 'LDN'

Lily Allen - "Smile"

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