Wednesday, September 24, 2008

" Simply Beautiful "

Im having a slow, lethargic day today... Mentally. Not sure why, today just wants me singing the hook to Monica's '93 hit single "It's just one of them daaaayyysss..."  Don't know what it is? Well, i have been extremely stressed lately; work and personal wise but i am working and fighting to get to the surface and get my spunk back. Just as I have everything leveled out, and my balls juggling and the pace I want them (that sounds wrong) i will.
I try to add personal messages to each post 'cos music for me is just not turning on the radio or pressing play on your ipod. Music is therapeutic for me and different genres and specific artistes fit certain moods or periods in my life. I usually know which songs to crank up depending on how i'm feeling. If I have a show I'm nervous about, or when i was younger and had an exam i was sweating bricks over, I'd usually just put on some Wu-tang. That ALWAYS lights a fire on my ass. I feel ready to take on WHATEVER after that. There's just something positively aggressive about it.

Today on the other hand, I made a straight cut for my Al Green collection and I'm gonna share a couple of songs off that with you today. If your feeling a little down and out, tired, frustrated, burdened... hopefully these songs'll help in the exorcism of your negative energy. Engulf your mind and body in the soothing nature of Rev. Al's voice and the cadence of the melody and chords. Sometimes you consciously just have to left it all 'flow' out, like spent water down an unclogged drain.... effortless... painless!! It might hurt coming in, but it doesn't have to hurt going out, and Rev Al's songs 'Simply Beautiful' and 'Free at Last' should help do that for you. 

I'm going to put up the 'Simply Beautiful' version featuring Queen Latifah. I think she brings something to this version that Al didnt have all by himself. Theres a soulful, sensual, jazzy tone to Latifah's voice and demeanor on the song... Luuurrrvvee it!!! ENJOY!!!

p.s. Love the lighting in the 'Simply Beautiful' video as well... check it out!! (this little one is for the filmmakers out there ;-) )

Al Green feat Queen Latifah - 'SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL'


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